What to Order is the definitive guide to the world cuisines through a selection of their best dishes served in restaurants around the world. Picked by experts, fully illustrated and packed with tips and useful information so anyone can try a new exciting cuisine wherever they live.


Each cuisine is explained through 20 dishes that nationals order at restaurants, a brief introduction to the cuisine, practical tips and eating custom. So you can enjoy your food like locals do.

Since we collect menus from cities all over the world, we can be sure that those dishes are served at restaurants outside of their countries. Then, a group of collaborators natives select the most popular dishes and explain to us why they’re so good and how to enjoy them. Each dish appears with the most common name in English, transliteration and original language, so it can be easily identified even if the menu is in a foreign language.


We are constantly in search of collaborators, mostly food writers, photographers and natives or experts in any world cuisine. If you would like to take part in What to Order guide, please register your interest here.


Javier Leal-Olivas is a London based graphic designer working in advertising since 2005. He is an enthusiast home cook and a lover of old recipes and cheap restaurants. He is married to his wife Norma and is originary from Alicante, Spain. Twitter: @huveeer


Daniel Leal-Olivas
Elisabeth Bolzon
Ben Newman
Norma Refaat
Luis Javier Murcia
Marta Vergara


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Javier Leal is a home cook and graphic designer working in the advertising industry since 2005.